Frequently asked questions about the platform

What can I buy on TradeHub?

TradeHub connects you with a vast network of suppliers offering a wide variety of products across diverse categories. You can find everything from raw materials and industrial equipment to finished goods and consumer products.

How do I find the products I need?

TradeHub provides a user-friendly search engine with filters by category, product type, country of origin, and supplier information. You can also browse supplier profiles and contact them directly for specific inquiries.

How can I be sure the suppliers on TradeHub are reliable?

TradeHub implements verification processes to ensure supplier quality. However, it's always recommended to conduct your due diligence, communicate with potential suppliers, and request references before placing orders.

What are the payment terms on TradeHub?

Payment terms are negotiated directly between buyers and suppliers. TradeHub offers secure payment options through its integrated system, but specific terms will depend on the agreement between you and your chosen supplier.

How much does it cost to use TradeHub as a buyer?

Signing up as a buyer on TradeHub is completely free. You can browse products, connect with suppliers, and receive quotes without any charges.

What are the benefits of selling on TradeHub?

TradeHub offers you global exposure to millions of potential buyers, allowing you to expand your market reach and find new customers. You can also benefit from streamlined lead generation, efficient order management, and competitive marketing opportunities.

How much does it cost to list my products on TradeHub?

TradeHub offers flexible pricing plans to suit your business needs. Contact TradeHub directly for details on current pricing packages.

How do I get started selling on TradeHub?

It's easy! Simply sign up as a supplier, create your profile, and list your products with clear descriptions, specifications, and competitive pricing. TradeHub provides support and resources to help you optimize your listings and maximize your reach.

How do I receive payment for my sales through TradeHub?

TradeHub offers secure payment processing options. The specific method for receiving payment will be agreed upon with the buyer and facilitated through TradeHub's secure system.

How does TradeHub handle product shipping and logistics?

TradeHub itself doesn't handle shipping and logistics. However, the platform facilitates communication and agreement between buyers and suppliers regarding shipping terms and logistics provider selection as well as partnerships with top logistics providers.

If you have any questions, please contact us